Corneal Tattoo
Corneal Tattoo in NYC
Dr. Chynn is the only surgeon in the USA performing corneal tattoos who’s credentialed with every major medical insurance company. This means if you have any type of medical (not vision) insurance (besides Medicaid) with a remaining deductible of $500 or less, it will partially pay for your tattoo. You will have to pay the residual cost, which will be between $1000-$2000 per eye. If you’ve got a credit score above 600 we can finance your residual balance. You’ll have to pay $1 per day for every $1000 you finance. So if you need to finance $1000, your loan payment will be $1/day, or $30/month for 5 years. So nobody should suffer needlessly from any cornea or iris cosmetic defect, because a cornea tattoo is safe, painless & also always affordable.
To ensure the best possible results, Dr. Chynn has partnered with the top tattoo equipment manufacturer in NYC, Unimax, to choose the highest-end, best tattoo machine, and a top tattoo inks to color-match the the patient’s other iris.
Dr. Chynn has made a habit out of treating cases that no one else can. Not only has he safely lasered the highest prescription ever in the world (-21.00; the upper limit for LASIK is -9.00), he is also one the only eye surgeons in the world trained in the proper technique of tattooing someone’s eyeball!
Dr. Chynn has consistently been at the forefront of ophthalmic techniques having trademarked his 100% Non-Cutting, HD LASEK™ technique, which is 10x safer than LASIK—so safe that it’s actually safer than contacts. LASEK can even fix problems caused by LASIK–such as night glare or halos!
Dr. Chynn’s incredible successes have led him to be featured on all the top media in the USA, including The New York Times, CBS, and CNN. In fact, the last corneal tattoo Dr. Chynn performed was featured on Discovery Channel and viewed by an audience of millions. It was this piece on Discovery Channel that led Winston to seek Dr. Chynn’s help.
Winston has had a long and complicated history of eye problems and had cataract surgery performed back in 1983, followed by having a lens implanted in his cornea which damaged the cornea. Winston even had a corneal transplant performed in 1997. Unfortunately, the corneal transplant “failed” so now he has a totally white cornea that looks bad, and is cosmetically unacceptable.
He told Dr. Chynn, “I know nobody can make me see better out of that eye, and thank God it doesn’t matter so much since I’m seeing well out of my other eye. If only I could look more normal, I would feel better about myself, be able to look someone ‘in the eye’ and be a new, more confident person!
Dr. Chynn previously performed a corneal tattoo for Mr. Ralph Lauren’s limo driver, who had an injury that left him with one eye that “looked like a cue ball” (his words). After his corneal tattoo, he said, “I thought the most dramatic difference would be in my work, as clearly people get ‘wigged out’ if their limo driver has one good eye. But the best thing is my daughter said, “Now I can invite my friends over to play, as before they would say mean things about you, and I would fight, and get into trouble for that.”
If you or someone you know has a white, scarred eye from trauma or a bad infection ( often contact-lens-related) & is embarrassed about the appearance of that eye, please put them in touch with us by emailing us ([email protected]) & CCing them, introducing us to each other.
Dr. Chynn will personally reply to ALL, asking your friend for the history of their eye injury, & inviting him or her to reply with a picture.
The next step will be your friend paying for a “remote consultation”. The cost is only $500, will save your friend thousands of dollars to fly up to NYC, & includes Dr. Chynn reviewing medical records, photos & a personal phone call or video chat with your friend, to advise him or her if a corneal tattoo would be appropriate. If yes, then they’d schedule a trip to NYC for a few days, to allow for a preoperative exam, the tattoo itself, & a postoperative check as well.
We will also speak to your local eye MD to coordinate any late postoperative care that might be necessary after returning to your hometown.
Take the 1st step & contact us. That’s free, & is the first step to a better life.
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