Treating prior RK

I am a retired ophthalmologist.. I had RK in 1990 and have have experienced progressive hyperopia for the past 10 years. I also developed what I consider unstable astigmatism. I have been using 2% Pilocarpine for the same period to improve my vision which is now quite blurry, with varying refractions. I had corneal topography last week at Weill Cornell. It was suggested i try scleral lenses. I am interested in what you think about my situation.

Dear retired eye surgeon,

I did my Fellowship in Cornea & Refractive Surgery at Emory in 1996-1997. This was in the dawn of refractive surgery, & was one of the only refractive fellowships in the USA (my practice’s official SF Match Fellowship is still one of few in the USA now)

My mentor was George Waring, widely known as the “Father of American Refractive Surgery”. He did the very 1st NIH NEI FDA study of refractive surgery, the PERK study, which discovered the Progressive Effect of RK, which isn’t stable because the incisions must be 95% deep to be effective, and cause progressive hyperopia

Because I specialize in LASEK not LASIK I’ve treated more RK patients than any medical center in NYC including all of Cornell. I’ve had amazing results, & have gotten most patients out of contacts. Certainly I can help you avoid scleral lenses

You can speak to one of these patients when you come in. We’re the only center that allows this

You may first need CXL to stabilize your cornea. Insurance would pay for that. You’d have to pay for the LASEK because it’d be considered “cosmetic”

How did you find me?

Please call for a Second Opinion

I’m cc’ing my Fellows who’re looking for more publications. They could publish a small case series or case report about this if they’d like

Please remind my secretary to make a WhatsApp group for you when you call. See you soon👍


Emil William Chynn, MD, FACS, MBA
Member of MENSA (a bit impatient😂)
Eagle Scout w Gold Palm (overachiever)
Chynn Foundation Trustee (altruistic🙏)
1st MD at Ground Zero on 9/11 (brave💪)

Park Avenue LASEK
ONLY 100% non-cutting center in USA!
For those who want the safest procedure
Can’t get LASIK& accept longer recovery
That’s why we’ve been featured in: NY Times, Wall St Journal, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, Discovery Channel, Bravo, Howard Stern, Time magazine online

102 East 25th St. (& Park Avenue South)
Ground Floor; NY NY 10010
(212) 741-8628 (212) 741-2390=fax
[email protected]
IG/FB: @EmilChynn @ParkAvenueLASEK

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If you are unsure about what procedure to choose or need more information please feel free to ask Dr.Chynn one question.

We are the only center in the country allowing you to ask our doctor a question, and he will answer personally.

Emil Chynn, MD, MBA, FACS


Why Haven’t You Gotten Laser Vision Correction Yet?

Dr. Chynn graduated from Dartmouth + Columbia + Harvard + Emory + NYU and has been featured on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Discovery Channel & in the NY Times & Wall St. Journal

He’s performed 1,000 PRKs, 5,000 LASIKs, 10,000 epiLASEKs, 15,000 LASEKs – more than any surgeon in the US

He got LASIK in his right eye & LASEK in his left eye, so is UNIQUELY qualified to tell you the +/-‘s of BOTH procedures – from BOTH a Surgeon’s & Patient’s point-of-view!

Ask Dr.Chynn Your Questions Or Concerns!

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