Park Avenue LASEK - NY’s Only Non Cutting Center - 2024 Pricelist
“Most Ethical Laser Center in NYC” | CBS News TV, 2007 (hidden camera)

Most LASIK centers in NYC, unfortunately, engage in “bait-and-switch” pricing, where they advertise “LASIK for $399/eye”. This is fake/unethical, because when you go in, they say that price is only for people with “myopia under 1 and no astigmatism”–in other words, for prescriptions so low nobody would bother getting them fixed.
CBS News sent a reporter with a hidden camera (in his tie clip) to every major LASIK center in NYC. They caught every other center besides ours, including “Diamond Vision” lying to patients about the real price. Dr. Chynn was the only LASIK surgeon in NYC to offer Real Trusted Pricing.
So please don’t fall for their fake prices! Visit a cutting LASIK center, and get their real price for your eyes. Then visit our center. Usually, as long as you have good medical insurance, you can get our newer, safer, better, non-cutting LASEK for the same price as their older, cheaper, cutting LASIK (because we will use the money we get from your medical insurance to match their price).
Standard Definition
- See exactly like you do now in glasses or contacts (precision +/- 0.25, so we can treat -3.50 or -3.75, nothing in-between).
- Some chance of having some glare at night (like you might now have in glasses or contacts).
- Low chance of seeing better than glasses or contacts (because we are entering a similar prescription as yours into the laser).
- Includes free enhancements for 1 year (if you’re not seeing perfectly after your 1st treatment).
High Definition ("HD")
- See sharper than you do now in glasses or contacts (precision +/- 0.01, so we can treat exactly -3.51 or -3.68, for example).
- Almost no chance of having poor night vision.
- Chance of seeing better than a “perfect” 20/20.
- Includes free enhancements for 1 year.

Optional Supplements

- Unique vacuum-assisted epithelium removal, invented by Dr. Chynn (who holds 2 US Patents), only available at Park Avenue LASEK.
- Avoids using alcohol during the procedure (alcohol “burns” the eye a bit, causing some inflammation & discomfort). Totally painless so this option is Mandatory if you are “pain-sensitive”.
- Faster recovery (decreases the number of days you have to take off from work by 1-2 days)
X-Press” Recovery
- Allows people >45 to read without readers! We perform more ReadingVizionTM cases than any other center in NYC — because Dr. Chynn had ReadingVizion himself (in 1999!).
- We can safely treat past the safe limits for LASIK. Dr. Chynn has the most experience treating extreme Rx’s in the US & has lectured in many countries about this topic!
Extreme Prescriptions
+$2,000 for each Diopter
past -9/+3/3cyl
- LASIK patients fly in from all over the world to have Dr. Chynn perform HD LASEK to fix the night glare/halos caused by that patient’s prior LASIK (which is a more complicated case).
Secondary surgery
- If you’re in your 20s & your prescription is still changing, add this & get free enhancement as long as Dr. Chynn is operating.
Lifetime LASEK
- Extra Valium + FDA-approved dissociative anesthetic + Nitrous Oxide/Laughing Gas for anxious patients.
Comfort Package
- Fixing a “botched LASIK” by another surgeon in another state/country.
Correcting another surgeon’s LASIK
Standard credits to reduce what you will have to pay yourself for the procedure:

Medical Insurance:
If you have a low deductible for “office visit specialist” your medical insurance will pay about $350 per preop testing visit, of which the billing company takes $50, leaving you with $300 credit/visit towards your LASEK.
Social Media:
- If you have over 100 followers, you will get $100 for posting on FB/IG that you’re getting LASEK (not LASIK), to make others aware of LASEK.
- If you have over 1,000 followers, you’ll get $200 credit.
- Over 5,000 followers — $300.
Refer Friend for Free Consult:
For every friend you send in who gets a Free Consult before your LASEK, you will receive a credit towards your cost. $100 off your LASEK if you haven’t yet had yours. Send 10 friends & save $1000!
$100 back as an Amazon gift card if you refer someone, and they have their surgery, but not before.
Cash Discount:
Pay in cash and get 5% discount. You save 5% (and we save credit card processing fees)!

Payments and refunds:
All payments made to Park Avenue LASEK are subject to a one-year refund policy. Refund requests must be submitted within one year from the original date of payment to be eligible for review. After this period, payments are non-refundable.
Please note that all refunds are processed in accordance with our clinic’s policies and procedures. Additional terms or conditions may apply depending on the specific nature of the payment. For more information, or if you have questions regarding your eligibility for a refund, please contact our office directly.
This policy helps ensure the availability and quality of our services while maintaining transparency with our valued patients.

#1 Rated
Surgery Center in NYC
#1 Rated LASEK, LASIK, PRK, SMILE Eye Surgery Center in NYC


Work while you sleep

Cross-linking (CXL)
Keratoconus treatment

Eye Jewelry
Introducing the newest trend

Corneal Tattoo
Ink to match your iris
(212) 741-8628

Get Directions to Park Avenue LASEK
102 E 25th St, New York, NY 10010