LASEK for no more reading glasses

Dear Isabelle

Please read my answer to your question below:

New Patient
New Patient
FDA recommends that you be at least 18 years of age before PRK/LASIK/LASEK. What age are you?
50 and over
If you give us your current eyeglass/contact lens prescription, Dr. Chynn will respond with your odds of seeing 20/20 after LASEK. So what is your prescription?
+ prescription (farsighted)
Are you having difficulty seeing far away, up close, or both?
Up close
Do you wear glasses, contacts, or both?
Describe what you dislike about your glasses and/or contacts?
Don’t like how I look in glasses
Describe what you dislike about your glasses and/or contacts?
Uncomfortable, dry, red, or irritated eyes

Most people over 40 can’t wear contacts more than 12 hours a day because our eyes get more dry over time, making contacts a non-viable option as we need to see more than 12 hours per day😟

Share with us any questions you would like answered at the free consult.
Does LASEK provide a long lasting option for farsightedness (plus I have slight astigmatism in one eye) and presbyopia since I am over 50. Thank you!

I have corrected more hyperopic presbyopes (your category) than any other surgeon in NY NJ CT and PA. I’m so specialized in this treatment & have had so much experience & gotten so perfect at it, that VISX, the dominant laser manufacturer by market share, owned by J&J, chose me to roll out this treatment for them 10 years ago in NYC, as they wanted great initial results so as to help rather than tarnish their brand👌🥇

Please call my office on Monday to book your Free Consultation. Tell my staff I communicated w you by e-mail from my vacation in Moscow (unfortunately I’m overly attentive) & ask them to read this e-mail as they’re cc’d

Thanks & see you soon after my terrific Junior Associate Dr Ayash screens you for candidacy

– – – – – – – – – – – Emil William Chynn, MD, FACS, MBA
Member of MENSA (a bit impatient😂)
Eagle Scout w Gold Palm (overachiever)
Chynn Foundation Trustee (altruistic🙏)
1st MD at Ground Zero on 9/11 (brave💪)

Park Avenue LASEK
ONLY 100% non-cutting center in USA!
For those who want the safest procedure
Can’t get LASIK& accept longer recovery
That’s why we’ve been featured in: NY Times, Wall St Journal, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, Discovery Channel, Bravo, Howard Stern, Time magazine online

102 East 25th St. (& Park Avenue South)
Ground Floor; NY NY 10010
(212) 741-8628 (212) 741-2390=fax
[email protected]
IG/FB: @EmilChynn @ParkAvenueLASEK

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Already Leaving?

If you are unsure about what procedure to choose or need more information please feel free to ask Dr.Chynn one question.

We are the only center in the country allowing you to ask our doctor a question, and he will answer personally.

Emil Chynn, MD, MBA, FACS


Why Haven’t You Gotten Laser Vision Correction Yet?

Dr. Chynn graduated from Dartmouth + Columbia + Harvard + Emory + NYU and has been featured on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Discovery Channel & in the NY Times & Wall St. Journal

He’s performed 1,000 PRKs, 5,000 LASIKs, 10,000 epiLASEKs, 15,000 LASEKs – more than any surgeon in the US

He got LASIK in his right eye & LASEK in his left eye, so is UNIQUELY qualified to tell you the +/-‘s of BOTH procedures – from BOTH a Surgeon’s & Patient’s point-of-view!

Ask Dr.Chynn Your Questions Or Concerns!

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