Intacs vs CXL for KC

The Question:
I have keratoconus and not sure what procedure would help fix my eye. Two of my family members have Intacs without any problem and was thinking about having the procedure but I am now reading about cross-linking.

Dear L.S.

20 years ago I was performing Intacs. It was better than nothing; I could stabilize the cornea & also hopefully get rid of a small amount of astigmatism. But the refractive results (amount of prescription eliminated) weren’t impressive, or even that predictable. The reason is because I’d be cutting a channel, threading in a piece of plastic, & trying to change the shape of the cornea. Exactly like tightening a belt over your stomach hanging out: sure, you’d pull some stuff in, but could you precisely contour the amount or final shape? Of course not. Not with such a gross technique

CXL is vastly superior in terms of making your cornea stronger to prevent progression, because it treats the entire cornea, not just your inferior cone, which is like your stomach hanging out.

Before the CXL I can often perform LASEK to vastly and precisely eliminate much or even most of both your myopia & astigmatism. The excimer laser (invented by 2 of my mentors at Columbia Medical School in the 1980s) is accurate in regular patients to +/- 0.01 diopters. In KC patients probably more like +/- 0.10 D. But Intacs’ refractive result is only predictable at something like +/- 1 D. So the laser is 10x or 1000% more accurate than Intacs!

I was performing CXL 5 years before FDA approval under IRB, because I really wanted my patients to be able to benefit now, not years in the future obce their KC had progressed. CXL is now covered by all insurances because it’s now standard of care. So all you’d have to pay for is the LASEK part👌

With CXL + LASEK I’ve gotten some KC patients LEGAL TO DRIVE DAY OR NIGHT WITH NOTHING, and then they can put on a mild pair of glasses or regular inexpensive comfortable soft contacts to get to 20/25!🙏😀

Please call my office on Monday & schedule a SECOND OPINION FOR CXL AND LASEK FOR KC when I’m in the office. Dr Ayash who works for me is excellent, but your case is complex, so I’d like to see you myself

Looking forward to treating you with more modern technology than your relatives had years ago, with hopefully superior results👌

– – – – – – – – – – – Emil William Chynn, MD, FACS, MBA
Member of MENSA (a bit impatient😂)
Eagle Scout w Gold Palm (overachiever)
Chynn Foundation Trustee (altruistic🙏)
1st MD at Ground Zero on 9/11 (brave💪)

Park Avenue LASEK
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Emil Chynn, MD, MBA, FACS


Why Haven’t You Gotten Laser Vision Correction Yet?

Dr. Chynn graduated from Dartmouth + Columbia + Harvard + Emory + NYU and has been featured on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Discovery Channel & in the NY Times & Wall St. Journal

He’s performed 1,000 PRKs, 5,000 LASIKs, 10,000 epiLASEKs, 15,000 LASEKs – more than any surgeon in the US

He got LASIK in his right eye & LASEK in his left eye, so is UNIQUELY qualified to tell you the +/-‘s of BOTH procedures – from BOTH a Surgeon’s & Patient’s point-of-view!

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