Dry Eyes Treatment

Thermal Pulsation System

Designed to Improve Gland Function
The TearScience® LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation System, is a medical device used by physicians in addressing Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). It consists of a Console and a single-use sterile device, known as the Activator, and has a drug-free mechanism of action. Eye care professionals use the TearScience® LipiFlow® System to treat MGD patients in-office with confidence and efficiency.

The TearScience® LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation System, is a medical device used by physicians in addressing Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). It consists of a Console and a single-use sterile device, known as the Activator, and has a drug-free mechanism of action. Eye care professionals use the TearScience® LipiFlow® System to treat MGD patients in-office with confidence and efficiency.

How the TearScience® LipiFlow® System Works
- The procedure centers around the breakthrough Vector Thermal Pulse Technology (VTP).
- After an initial anesthetic drop, no drugs are required for the procedure.
- The TearScience® LipiFlow® system safely delivers heat and pressure to the meibomian glands while protecting the delicate structures of the patient’s eye.
- As a result, the obstructed meibum is liquefied and pushed up and out of the gland orifices.
- Contoured design vaults the cornea and protects the eye.
- Heat and pressure are regulated with redundant sensors.
Did You Know?
- In one study, up to 86% of dry eye patients had signs of MGD.
- TearScience® LipiFlow® has been shown to increase gland secretion threefold, on average, with just one treatment.
- Safety and long-term effectiveness have been demonstrated in peer-reviewed studies.
- TearScience® LipiFlow® installations are evenly divided between ophthalmology and optometry clinics.
- TearScience® LipiFlow® is available in more than 850 practice locations in the United States and Canada as of October 2017.
The Science Behind TearScience® LipiFlow®
obstructions and stagnant gland content.

A vaulted design protects the cornea while multi-point sensors monitor and regulate heat and pressure throughout the treatment. This maximizes results and minimizes discomfort. Along with force equalization, the eye is protected from heat and pressure while a nominal therapeutic temperature of 42.5 degrees Celsius is applied directly to the inner eyelid where the glands are located, while protecting the eyelid or delicate structures of the globe.

Proprietary heating technology ensures precise temperature regulation with continuous feedback and consistent heat application to the meibomian glands. The insulated and vaulted design of the Activator protects the cornea from unsafe temperatures.

Intelligent pressure feedback loop sends pulsed sequences to expel blockages and stagnant material from the gland. The custom pressure sequence maximizes gland clearing while device design protects the eye from unnecessary intraocular pressure.

Vaulted Cornea Shield
Inflation Technology
Pressure sensors in the console ensure the application of safe levels of pressure.
Lid Warmer
Multiple redundant sensors within the lid warmer protect against unsafe temperatures.

Thermal One Touch
A New Treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)
Park Avenue LASEK is proud to be the 1st practice in NYC to unveil “Thermal One Touch”, a revolutionary new solution for dry eyes, not involving drops!
We were chosen by OcuSoft because our surgeon Dr. Emil Chynn has had a decades-long relationship with OcuSoft, where they licensed one of his US Patents for a new diagnostic drop to perform retina exams more quickly.
Dr. Chynn & Park Avenue LASEK are both always at the forefront of ophthalmic treatment, as evidenced by their position as the #1 LASEK center in the USA (as ranked by both # of procedures performed & reputation). That’s why we agreed to launch “Thermal One Touch” in New York City!
About Thermal 1-Touch
The Thermal 1-Touch device treats obstructed meibomian glands by gently heating the eyelid & applying a soothing, pulsating force to express the glands.
“Most patients & even doctors usually only treat “dry eyes’ ‘ with artificial tears, without understanding that most people who suffer from dry eyes actually make sufficient tears–therefore, adding drops provides only very temporary relief,” Harvard graduate Dr. Chynn explains. “The meibomian glands are supposed to release oils to lubricate the eye & prevent your natural tears from evaporating too quickly. Most patients whose eyes feel dry have obstructed meibomian glands–it’s the oil layer that’s deficient, not the watery layer. So only by making these glands express their oils can the problem be solved.”

“Manual expression” with the eye doctor squeezing the glands with tweezers under the “slit-lamp microscope” works to some extent, but heating the glands works much better–and heat combined with manual expression works the best–that’s what we do,” Dr. Chynn says.
The thermal 1-Touch device gently heats the meibomian glands to 108-110°–the temperature necessary to release blocked glands. “Published studies have shown that this temperature cannot be achieved with things like warm compresses, even the type that you microwave,” Dr. Chynn explains.
Fully 90% of patients who have dry eyes (DES) have primary or contributory Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. Unless your glands are functioning properly, your dry eyes will never be fixed–no matter how many times per day you put in artificial tears (which can cost hundreds of dollars over the course of a year).

Thermal 1-Touch Post Treatment Kit:
We highly recommend that at the time of your DES / MGD treatment, that you purchase a “Dry Eye Care Kit” which consists of: Ocusoft Dry Eye Mask (which you microwave), Retaine OM3 Omega 3 Oil, Retaine MGD highest quality preservative-free artificial tears, & Ocusoft Lid Scrubs Plus.

How do I know that I have Dry Eye?
Dry Eyes symptoms may
include feelings of dryness, scratchiness, grittiness, sandiness, watering,
blurriness, or fluctuating vision.Why do we experience Dry Eye?
Surprisingly, the most common cause of
dry eye syndrome is not insufficient production of tears, but insufficient
production of oils from your meibomian glands, due to them being “clogged
up” and inflamed.But my eyes don’t feel dry…
You don’t necessarily need to
feel like your eyes are “dry” to have Dry Eyes Syndrome (DES), or MGD. Other
symptoms include feeling scratchiness, grittiness, sandiness, watering,
blurriness, etc.What are the risk factors to having Dry Eye?
Some of the
risk factors to having Dry Eye are: high usage of digital screens,
autoimmune diseases, diabetes, dehydration, and heavy AC use.Isn’t using Visine or other OTC eye drops enough?
and other OTC eye drops like them, are not a good option to treat dry eyes.
These types of eye drops are a tool used to MASK dry eye symptoms, but not
to treat. In fact, Visine products contain a vasoconstrictor that
temporarily constricts inflamed conjunctival blood vessels, to help the
appearance.But with chronic use, Visine will eventually cause a “rebound effect”
causing worse redness and dryness. You should never use
Visine to treat dry eyes, because it will make it worse!What if I don’t treat my Dry Eye? Will it get worse?
Dry eye is a chronic, progressive disease that affects the surface of the
eye. Without treatments, the symptoms may ebb and flow, but there is
likely progressive damage occurring to the front surface of your eye. If
left untreated, dry eyes can become dangerous.Excessive dryness can scar the cornea, impairing vision and damaging
the tissues.Significant dryness can lead to greater chance of infection, breakdown
of the corneal barriers and perforation of the cornea. It also makes
wearing contact lenses uncomfortable, and in the long run,
impossible.What is the cost for the Thermal 1-Touch treatment?
The cost for a single session of Thermal 1-Touch treatment is
$300.Relief usually lasts months–not the hours or
even minutes that you get with artificial tears. Individual results
vary, but most patients want re-treatment every 3-6 months.
Fully 100% of our patients reported “enormous satisfaction and
relief” from their treatment, and 100% elected for eventual
retreatment (but we only recommend treatment if you have moderate to
severe MGD–not mild)</b ></b ></strong >If you feel like you have exhausted all options when it comes to
treating your Dry Eyes or MGD,
contact us to schedule a
Dry Eye Evaluation (which will be covered by your medical not vision
insurance if you have a low deductible), to see if our
newest and most advanced Dry Eye treatment–the Thermal 1-touch</b >–is right for you!

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Surgery Center in NYC
#1 Rated LASEK, LASIK, PRK, SMILE Eye Surgery Center in NYC
(212) 741-8628

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102 E 25th St, New York, NY 10010